О программе mbam 2.5


Advancements in Antivirus Software & Cybersecurity

Two relatively new forms of malware have helped drive the advancement of signature-less detection methods: exploits and ransomware. Though these threats are similar to others in many ways, they can be much harder to detect. Furthermore, once your computer is infected, these threats can be almost impossible to remove.

Exploits get their name because they literally exploit vulnerabilities in a system, software, or web browser in order to install malicious code in a variety of ways. Anti-exploit measures were developed as a shield against this method of attack, protecting against Flash exploits and browser weaknesses, including new exploits that have not been identified or vulnerabilities for which patches have not yet been created.

Ransomware emerged on the malware scene to spectacular effect in 2013. Ransomware made a name for itself by hijacking and encrypting computer data, and then extorting payments as it held the data hostage. and even threatened to erase it if a deadline passed without payment. Originally, both these threats resulted in the development of dedicated anti-exploit and anti-ransomware products.

In December 2016, Malwarebytes folded anti-exploit and malicious website antivirus protection into the premium version of Malwarebytes for Windows. We have since added anti-ransomware for even more advanced anti-malware protection.

What’s the difference between antivirus and anti-malware?

For the most part, antivirus software and anti-malware software are the same things. They both refer to computer security software designed to detect, protect against, and remove malicious software. Contrary to what the name might suggest, antivirus software protects against more than viruses — it just uses a slightly antiquated name to describe what it does.

Anti-malware software is also designed to protect against viruses; it just uses a more modern name that encompasses all kinds of malicious software, including viruses. That being said, anti-malware can stop an online viral infection from happening and remove infected files. However, anti-malware isn’t necessarily equipped to restore files that have been changed or replaced by a virus. Both antivirus software and anti-malware fall under the broader term «cybersecurity.”

All about spyware

When you go online, don’t assume that your privacy is secure. Prying eyes often follow your activity—and your personal information—with a pervasive form of malicious software called spyware. In fact, it’s one of the oldest and most widespread threats on the Internet, secretly infecting your computer in order to initiate a variety of illegal activities, including identity theft or a data breach. It’s easy to fall prey to and can be hard to get rid of, especially since you’re most likely not even aware of it. But relax; we’ve got your back with all you need to know about what spyware is, how you get it, what it tries to do to you, how to deal with it, and what to do to avoid future spyware attacks.

Do mobile devices get malware?

Malware criminals love the mobile market. After all, smartphones are sophisticated, complex handheld computers. They also offer an entrance into a treasure trove of personal information, financial details, and all manner of valuable data for those seeking to make a dishonest dollar.

The fact is, it’s a huge market (read: target). The GSMA, a trade body that represents mobile carriers, puts the number of mobile device users somewhere over 5 billion, worldwide. A quarter of these users own more than one device. Fraudsters find the mobile market very attractive and take advantage of a gigantic economy of scale to leverage their efforts.

Mobile users are often easier to target as well. Most do not protect their phones as diligently as they do their computers, failing to install security software or keep their operating systems up to date. It’s not entirely our fault. Apple, on average, supports their phones—meaning you can download the latest iOS—five years after the launch date. Android phones can be updated for about three years.

Infected mobile devices are a particularly insidious danger compared to a PC. Ironically, the “personal computer” isn’t personal anymore. Phones, conversely, go with us everywhere. As a society we’ve become so attached to our phones that there’s now an actual word for the fear we experience when we don’t have our phones: Nomophobia.

A hacked microphone and camera can record everything you see and say. A hacked GPS can broadcast your every move. Even worse, mobile malware can be used to evade the multi-factor authentication (MFA) many apps use to keep our data secure.

“The more popular Android platform attracts more malware than the iPhone.”

Keep in mind that cheap phones can come with malware pre-installed, which can be difficult to remove (Malwarebytes for Android is a big help here).

Regarding the mobile malware ecosystem, the two most prevalent smartphone operating systems are Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Android leads the market with 76 percent of all smartphone sales, followed by iOS with 22 percent of all smartphones sold. No big surprise then that the more popular Android platform attracts more malware than the iPhone. Let’s look at them each separately.

Для быстрой качественной чистки компьютера от вирусов, троянов, червей, малваре, спайваре рекомендуем использовать бесплатную программу Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Для оперативного сканирования, выявления и быстрой очистки от вирусов, троянов, программ-вымогателей, руткитов, эксплоитов, вредоносных сайтов достаточно периодически использовать Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, сокращённо MBAM.

Самый очевидные плюсы данного ПО: бесплатна, быстра, можно совместно с обычным резидентным антивирусом, установленным на компьютер.

Как пользоваться программой

Использование Malwarebytes Anti-Malware не должно вызывать трудностей даже у неподготовленных пользователей. Она имеет простой интерфейс (пользовательское меню) и русский язык. Большинство функций выполняется автоматически.

Для того, чтобы провести быстрое сканирование и поиск вирусов на компьютере или ноутбуке достаточно скачать, установить программу и нажать кнопку «Запустить проверку».

Программа автоматически обновиться и проведёт сканирование.

Системные требования:

  • Windows XP SP3/ Vista/ 7/ 8.1/ 10 — 32/64 bit (Т.е. подходит для любой версии Windows);
  • MacOS 10.10 (или выше)
  • Процессор 800 МГц или более мощный с технологией SSE2;
  • 2048 МБ (для 64-битных ОС), 1024 МБ (для 32-битных ОС, за исключением – 512 МБ для Windows XP);
  • 250 МБ свободного места на жестком диске

Данную программу можно использовать совместно с основным резидентным антивирусом, либо без него. Программа имеет как полноценную бесплатную версию, так и коммерческую версию с расширенными возможностями (для простого пользователя функции платной версии избыточны).

Основные функции программы Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

  1. Проверяет наличие руткитов на компьютере;
  2. Проводит проверку оперативной памяти на наличие активных вирусов;
  3. Автоматически запускающихся программ при старте Windows;
  4. Реестр Windows на наличие ключей вредоносных программ и так называемых «хвостов»;
  5. Файловую систему (локальные диски компьютера выборочно);
  6. В заключение проводит эвристический анализ (поведенческий анализ приложений, установленных в системе)

История развития программы Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Как изменялся функционал программы и внешний вид меню в течение времени. Мы следим за развитием данного полезного ПО уже на протяжении более 9 лет (с 2008 года).

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware можно достаточно успешно использовать как основной действующий программный компонент для комплексного лечения от вирусов, когда вирус в оперативной памяти.

Меню Malwarebytes Anti-Malware в предыдущих версиях программы

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware уже сегодня поддерживает установку и корректную работу на Windows 8. Расширено меню «Настройки», сейчас в нём упоминается эвристический анализатор Heuristics.Shuriken, который можно отключить. Изменён логотип и внешний вид программы и палитра. Ранее это была схема с преобладанием красных цветов, изменено на синюю цветовую гамму. Это ещё раз показывает, что ведётся непрерывная доработка и улучшение программы для быстрого удаления зловредного ПО на домашнем компьютере.

Ролик о работе программы Malwarebytes Anti-Malware на Youtube

  • Программа для управления монитором. Free Monitor Manager
  • Все функции тачпада, сенсорной панели на ноутбуке
  • GSmartControl. Утилита для проверки жёсткого диска
  • Популярные программы для навигации для Беларуси и России
  • Easy Service Optimizer. Оптимизация служб Windows одной кнопкой
  • Системные утилиты от Sordum.org
  • Как измерить скорость DNS сервера. Программы DNS Jumper и DNSBench

Новые возможности сканера Malwarebytes Anti-Malware в версии 3.0:

  • • значительно переформатирован пользовательский интерфейс, включая и основную панель управления, которая содержит все сведения относительно основных механизмов программы и качества их работы;
  • • оперативная проверка Quick Scan превратилось в рекомендованный тип сканирования Threat Scan;
  • • в версии Premium встроен драйвер Malwarebytes Chameleon, который предназначен для поддержания самозащиты, доступ к нему открыт в настройках Advanced Settings;
  • • в сканер поиска вирусов встроен Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit, который можно выставить в настройках Detection and Protection;
  • • обновленный, развернутый защитный механизм от сомнительных интернет-сайтов, адаптированный под взаимодействие с Windows Vista Service Pack 2 и далее (обеспечивает максимальную эффективность, встроена функция остановки процессов, к примеру, торрент-клиентов, ручная блокировка IP-адресов и URL-ов по имени домена);
  • • нативное х64 сканирование местоположения в системе, поиск и ликвидация вредного ПО.

Производительность / Защита

  • Добавлена бессигнатурная защита от эксплойтов и программ-вымогателей (только для Premium).
  • Скорость антивирусного сканирования возросла до 4-ех раз, включая быструю проверку.
  • Убраны необязательные перезагрузки после удаления некоторых угроз.
  • Эвристический движок Advanced Heuristic Engine (Shuriken) теперь включен по умолчанию.
  • Самозащита теперь включена по умолчанию (только для Premium)

Удобство использования

  • Обновленный пользовательский интерфейс для улучшения стабильности.
  • Теперь MBAM настраивается для интеграции в Центр действий Windows / Центр безопасности Windows (только для Premium).
  • Проверка обновлений выполняется автоматически, так что теперь нет необходимости настраивать планировщик задач.
  • Улучшенная поддержка навигации с помощью клавиатуры и экранных дикторов. 

Возможности лечащей утилиты Malwarebytes:

  • • Проверка антивирусом без установки
  • • возможность «Быстрого сканирования», обеспечивающая защиту критических зон операционки;
  • • сканирование всех носителей для обеспечения всеохватывающей проверки;
  • • обновление антивирусных баз для оперативной защиты от вирусов каждый день;
  • • интеллектуальный поиск, позволяющий выявить даже самые стойкие опасности без нагрузки на ресурсы системы;
  • • возможность создания черного списка для защитных и проверочных модулей;
  • • дополнительный перечень программ для ручного удаления вредного ПО (FileAssassin, Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit, Chameleon, StartupLite);
  • • эффективный инструмент Malwarebytes Chameleon, который позволяет активизировать Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, в те моменты, когда его блокируют вирусы;
  • • поддержка как старых версий виндовс (таких как win XP), так и новой windows 8.1
  • • поддержка большого числа языков — в том числе и русского.
  • • встраивание в состав контекстного меню для того, чтобы оперативно проверять файлы.

If viruses aren’t as big of a threat anymore, why do I need an antivirus for my computer?

Viruses are just one kind of malware. There are other forms of malware that are more common these days. Here are just a few:


Adware is unwanted software designed to throw advertisements up on your screen, often within a web browser, but sometimes within mobile apps as well. Typically, adware disguises itself as legitimate or piggybacks on another program to trick you into installing it on your PC, tablet, or mobile device.


Spyware is malware that secretly observes the computer user’s activities, including browsing activity, downloads, payment information, and login credentials, and then reports this information to the software’s author. Spyware isn’t just for cybercriminals. Legitimate companies sometimes use spyware to track employees.


A keylogger, spyware’s less sophisticated cousin, is malware that records all the user’s keystrokes on the keyboard. This malware typically stores the gathered information and sends it to the attacker seeking sensitive information like usernames, passwords, or credit card details.

Computer Virus:

A computer virus is malware that attaches to another program and, when triggered, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and infecting them with its own bits of code.


Worms are a type of malware similar to viruses in that they spread, but they don’t require user interaction to be triggered.


A Trojan, or Trojan Horse, is more of a delivery method for infections than an infection. The Trojan presents itself as something useful to trick users into opening it. Trojan attacks can carry just about any form of malware, including viruses, spyware, and ransomware. Famously, the Emotet banking Trojan started as an information stealer, targeting banks and large corporations.

Later, Emotet operated purely as an infection vector for other forms of malware, usually ransomware.


Ransomware is a form of malware that locks you out of your device and/or encrypts your files, then forces you to pay a ransom to get them back. Ransomware has been called the cybercriminal’s weapon of choice, because it demands a profitable quick payment in hard-to-trace cryptocurrency.

The cybercriminals behind the GandCrab ransomware claimed to have brought in over $2 billion in ransom payments over the course of a year and a half.


A rootkit is malware that provides the attacker with administrator privileges on the infected system and actively hides from the normal computer user. Rootkits also hide from other software on the system—even from the operating system itself.

Malicious Cryptomining:

Malicious cryptomining, also sometimes called drive-by mining or cryptojacking, is an increasingly prevalent form of malware or browser-based attack that is delivered through multiple attack methods, including malspam, drive-by downloads, and rogue apps and extensions.

It allows someone else to use your computer’s CPU or GPU to mine cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Monero. So instead of letting you cash in on your computer’s horsepower, the cryptominers send the collected coins into their own account—not yours. So, essentially, a malicious cryptominer is stealing your device’s resources to make money.


Exploits are a type of threat that takes advantage of bugs and vulnerabilities in a system in order to allow the exploit’s creator to deliver malware. One of the most common exploits is the SQL injection.


Malvertising is an attack that uses malicious ads on mostly legitimate websites to deliver malware. You needn’t even click on the ad to be affected—the accompanying malware can install itself simply by loading and viewing the page in your browser. All you have to do is visit a good site on the wrong day.

What is spyware?

No big surprise—spyware is sneaky. It finds its way on to your computer without your knowledge or permission, attaching itself to your operating system. You might even inadvertently permit spyware to install itself when you agree to the terms and conditions of a seemingly legitimate program without reading the fine print.

Whatever way spyware manages to get on your PC, the method of operation is generally the same—it runs quietly in the background, maintaining a secret presence, collecting information or monitoring your activities in order to trigger malicious activities related to your computer and how you use it. And even if you discover its unwelcome presence on your system, Spyware does not come with an easy uninstall feature.

Block spyware from tracking your activity

Remove and prevent spyware from stealing your sensitive data. Try Malwarebytes Premium free for 14 days.

“Spyware runs quietly in the background, collecting information.”

Who does malware target?

The answer here is: Take your pick. There are billions of consumer-owned devices out there. They’re connected to banks, retail store accounts, and anything else worth stealing. It’s a broad attack surface for adware and spyware, keyloggers, and malvertising—as well as an attractive method for lazy criminals to create and distribute malware to as many targets as possible, with proportionately little effort.

“If you use your smartphone or tablet in the workplace, hackers can turn their attack to your employer.”

While not currently popular with cybercriminals, cryptominers seem to be equal opportunity about their targets, going after both individuals and businesses. Ransomware, on the other hand, targets businesses, hospitals, municipalities, and retail store systems in disproportionately greater numbers than consumers.

To repeat, not all of the apps available through Apple’s App Store and Google Play are desirable and the problem is even more acute with third-party app stores. While the app store operators try to prevent malicious apps from penetrating their site, some inevitably slip through. These apps can steal user information, attempt to extort money from users, try to access corporate networks to which the device is connected, and force users to view unwanted ads or engage in other types of unsanitary activity.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity, or computer security, is a catchall term for any strategy for protecting one’s system from malicious attacks, including both antiviruses and anti-malware. These attacks often aim to do things like hold your computer hostage, steal system resources (as in a botnet), record your passwords and usernames, and a whole host of other bad things. Such attacks might occur via your hardware (like a backdoor) or through your software (like an exploit).

Cybersecurity threats and their countermeasures are varied and nuanced nowadays, but the marketplace naturally strives for simplicity when communicating to consumers. This is why many people still see “viruses” as the biggest threat to their computer security. In reality, computer viruses are just one type of cyberthreat that happened to be popular when computers were in their infancy. They’re far from the most common threat today, but the name stuck. It’s a bit like calling every disease a cold.

“For the most part, antivirus and anti-malware mean the same thing. They both refer to software designed to detect, protect against, and remove malicious software.”

An ounce of prevention vs. a pound of cure

From desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones, all our devices are vulnerable to malware. Given a choice, who wouldn’t want to prevent an infection instead of dealing with the aftermath?

The best antivirus software alone is not up to the task, as evidenced by the regular stream of newspaper headlines reporting yet another successful cyberattack.

So, what should you do to stay safe? What kind of cybersecurity software — antivirus software or anti-malware software — should one choose to address a threat landscape that consists of legacy viruses and emerging malware? What is the best antivirus program for you?

The fact is, traditional antiviruses alone are inadequate against emerging zero-day threats, allow ransomware to successfully hijack computers, and don’t completely remove malware. What’s needed is an advanced cybersecurity program that is flexible and smart enough to anticipate today’s increasingly sophisticated threats.

Malwarebytes for Windows fulfils this need for advanced antivirus security (along with Malwarebytes for Mac, Malwarebytes for Android, and Malwarebytes business solutions). Malwarebytes offers one of the best antivirus programs to protect computers against malware, hacks, viruses, ransomware, and other ever-evolving threats to help support a safe online antivirus experience. Our AI-enhanced, heuristics-based technology blocks threats that a traditional computer antivirus isn’t smart enough to stop.

For an additional layer of antivirus protection, consider Malwarebytes Browser Guard. It’s the browser extension that stops annoying ads and trackers. Plus, it’s the world’s first browser extension that blocks tech support scams.

Industry watchers have cited Malwarebytes for Windows for its role in a layered antivirus protection approach, providing one of the best antivirus programs without degrading system performance. It removes all traces of malware, blocks the latest threats, and is a fast virus scanner.

Regardless of the cybersecurity software you choose your first line of defense is education. Stay up to date on the latest online threats and antivirus protection by making the Malwarebytes Labs blog a regular read.

Плюсы и минусы

Достоинства Malwarebytes:

  • Лёгкая установка.
  • Наличие многоязычной поддержки.
  • Имеется защита от брут-форс атак.
  • Есть возможность отключить уведомления, если в процессе сканирования не обнаружены угрозы.
  • Имеется защита, которая предотвращает случайное удаление программы.
  • Постоянное обновление не только сигнатур, но и самой программы, за счет чего улучшается ее функционал.


Во время эксплуатации программ пользователи находили ряд минусов, среди которых высокое потребление оперативной памяти, отсутствие уведомлений пользователей при разрыве соединений и многое другое. Но сейчас большинство ошибок уже исправлено. А если и будут обнаружены проблемы, то разработчики быстро с ними справятся.

Проверка компьютера на наличие вредоносных программ и других угроз в Malwarebytes

Проверка в новой версии Malwarebytes проводится как в режиме реального времени (т.е. вы будете видеть уведомления, если программа обнаружит что-то нежелательное на вашем компьютере), так и вручную и, в случае наличия стороннего антивируса может быть лучшим вариантом проводить сканирование вручную.

  1. Для проверки запустите (откройте) Malwarebytes и нажмите «Запустить проверку» в информационной панели либо в разделе меню «Проверка» нажмите «Полная проверка».
  2. Начнется сканирование системы, по результатам которой вы увидите отчет.
  3. Он не всегда удобен для ознакомления (не видны точные пути файлов и дополнительная информация). Используя кнопку «Сохранить результаты» вы можете сохранить результаты в текстовый файл и ознакомиться с ними в нем.
  4. Снимите отметки с тех файлов, которые, на ваш взгляд, не следует удалять и нажмите «Поместить выбранные объекты в карантин».
  5. При помещении в карантин, вам может быть предложено перезагрузить компьютер.
  6. После перезагрузки некоторое время программа может долго запускаться (а в диспетчере задач вы увидите, что Malwarebytes Service сильно нагружает процессор).
  7. После того, как программа была перезапущена, вы можете удалить все помещенные в карантин объекты зайдя в соответствующий раздел программы или же восстановить какие-то из них, если оказалось, что после помещения в карантин что-то из вашего ПО стало работать не так как нужно.

По сути, помещение в карантин в случае Malwarebytes — это удаление из прежнего расположения и помещение в базу программы для возможности восстановления в случае непредвиденных ситуаций. На всякий случай, не рекомендую удалять объекты из карантина пока вы точно не удостоверитесь, что всё в порядке.

Скачать Malwarebytes на русском языке можно бесплатно с официального сайта https://ru.malwarebytes.com/

Дополнительная информация

Malwarebytes — сравнительно простая программа, на понятном русском языке и, думаю, каких-то особенных сложностей возникнуть у пользователя не должно.

Среди прочего можно отметить следующие моменты, которые могут оказаться полезными:

  • В параметрах в разделе «Приложение» вы можете снизить приоритет проверок Malwarebytes в разделе «Влияние проверок на производительность системы».
  • Можно проверить конкретную папку или файл с помощью Malwarebytes, используя контекстное меню (правый клик по этому файлу или папке).
  • Чтобы использовать проверку с помощью Защитника Windows 10 (8) отдельно от Malwarebytes, когда в программе включена защита в режиме реального времени, а также не хотите видеть уведомлений Malwarebytes в центре безопасности защитника Windows в Параметры — Приложение — Центр поддержки Windows установите «Никогда не регистрировать Malwarebytes в Центре поддержки Windows.
  • В Параметры — Исключения вы можете добавить файлы, папки и сайты (программа также может блокировать открытие вредоносных сайтов) в исключения Malwarebytes.

Как удалить Malwarebytes с компьютера

Стандартный путь удаления Malwarebytes с компьютера — зайти в панель управления, открыть пункт «Программы и компоненты», найти Malwarebytes в списке и нажать «Удалить».

Или, в Windows 10, зайти в Параметры — Приложения и возможности, нажать по Malwarebytes, а затем — кнопку «Удалить».

Однако, если по какой-то причине эти способы не работают, на официальном сайте есть специальная утилита для удаления продуктов Malwarebytes с компьютера — Malwarebytes Support Tool:

На этом Malwarebytes, если всё прошло штатно, должна быть удалена с вашего компьютера.

What is ransomware? Ransomware definition

Ransom malware, or ransomware, is a type of malware that prevents users from accessing their system or personal files and demands ransom payment in order to regain access. While some people might think «a virus locked my computer,» ransomware would typically be classified as a different form of malware than a virus. The earliest variants of ransomware were developed in the late 1980s, and payment was to be sent via snail mail. Today, ransomware authors order that payment be sent via cryptocurrency or credit card, and attackers target individuals, businesses, and organizations of all kinds. Some ransomware authors sell the service to other cybercriminals, which is known as Ransomware-as-a-Service or RaaS.

Who do ransomware authors target?

When ransomware was introduced (and then re-introduced), its initial victims were individual systems (aka regular people). However, cybercriminals began to realize its full potential when they rolled out ransomware to businesses. Ransomware was so successful against businesses, halting productivity and resulting in lost data and revenue, that its authors turned most of their attacks toward them. By the end of 2016, 12.3 percent of global enterprise detections were ransomware, while only 1.8 percent of consumer detections were ransomware worldwide. And by 2017, 35 percent of small and medium-sized businesses had experienced a ransomware attack.

Geographically, ransomware attacks are still focused on western markets, with the UK, US, and Canada ranking as the top three countries targeted, respectively. As with other threat actors, ransomware authors will follow the money, so they look for areas that have both wide PC adoption and relative wealth. As emerging markets in Asia and South America ramp up on economic growth, expect to see an increase in ransomware (and other forms of malware) there as well.

What is malware? Malware definition

Malware, or “malicious software,” is an umbrella term that describes any malicious program or code that is harmful to systems.

Hostile, intrusive, and intentionally nasty, malware seeks to invade, damage, or disable computers, computer systems, networks, tablets, and mobile devices, often by taking partial control over a device’s operations. Like the human flu, it interferes with normal functioning.

The motives behind malware vary. Malware can be about making money off you, sabotaging your ability to get work done, making a political statement, or just bragging rights. Although malware cannot damage the physical hardware of systems or network equipment (with one known exception—see the Google Android section below), it can steal, encrypt, or delete your data, alter or hijack core computer functions, and spy on your computer activity without your knowledge or permission.

How to remove malware

Follow these three easy steps to remove malware from your device.

1. Download and install a good cybersecurity program. As it happens, Malwarebytes has programs for every platform we’ve discussed in this article: Windows, Mac, Android, and Chromebook.

2. Run a scan using your new program. Even if you don’t opt for Malwarebytes Premium, the free version of Malwarebytes is still great at removing malware. The free version, however, does not proactively stop threats from getting on your system in the first place.

If your iPhone or iPad is infected with malware (as improbable as that may be). Things are a little trickier. Apple does not permit scans of either the device’s system or other files, though Malwarebytes for iOS, for example, will screen and block scam calls and texts. Your only option is to wipe your phone with a factory reset, then restore it from your backup in iCloud or iTunes. If you didn’t backup your phone, then you’re starting over from scratch.

What to do if I’m infected

The number one rule if you find yourself infected with ransomware is to never pay the ransom. (This is now advice endorsed by the FBI.) All that does is encourage cybercriminals to launch additional attacks against either you or someone else. However, you may be able to retrieve some encrypted files by using free decryptors.

To be clear: Not all ransomware families have had decryptors created for them, in many cases because the ransomware is utilizing advanced and sophisticated encryption algorithms. And even if there is a decryptor, it’s not always clear if it’s for right version of the malware. You don’t want to further encrypt your files by using the wrong decryption script. Therefore, you’ll need to pay close attention to the ransom message itself, or perhaps ask the advice of a security/IT specialist before trying anything.

Other ways to deal with a ransomware infection include downloading a security product known for remediation and running a scan to remove the threat. You may not get your files back, but you can rest assured the infection will be cleaned up. For screenlocking ransomware, a full system restore might be in order. If that doesn’t work, you can try running a scan from a bootable CD or USB drive.

If you want to try and thwart an encrypting ransomware infection in action, you’ll need to stay particularly vigilant. If you notice your system slowing down for seemingly no reason, shut it down and disconnect it from the Internet. If, once you boot up again the malware is still active, it will not be able to send or receive instructions from the command and control server. That means without a key or way to extract payment, the malware may stay idle. At that point, download and install a security product and run a full scan.

Who do spyware authors target?

Unlike some other types of malware, spyware authors do not really target specific groups or people. Instead, most spyware attacks cast a wide net to collect as many potential victims as possible. And that makes everyone a spyware target, as even the slightest bit of information might find a buyer.

“Spyware attacks cast a wide net to collect as many potential victims as possible.”

Information obtained through stolen documents, pictures, video, or other digital items can even be used for extortion purposes.

So, at the end of the day, no one is immune from spyware attacks, and attackers usually care little about whom they are infecting, as opposed to what they are after.

How do I remove spyware?

If your spyware infection is working as designed, it will be invisible unless you’re technically savvy enough to know exactly where to look. You could be infected and never know. But if you suspect spyware, here’s what to do.

  1. The first order of business is to make sure your system has been cleaned of any infection so that new passwords are not compromised. Get yourself a robust cybersecurity program with a reputation for aggressive spyware removal technology. Malwarebytes, for example, thoroughly cleans up spyware artifacts and repairs altered files and settings.
  2. After you have cleaned your system, think about contacting your financial institutions to warn of potential fraudulent activity. Depending on the compromised information on your infected machine, and especially if it is connected to a business or enterprise, you may be required by law to report breaches to law enforcement and/or make a public disclosure.
  3. If stolen information is sensitive in nature or involves the collection and transmission of images, audio, and/or video, you should contact local law-enforcement authorities to report potential violations of federal and state laws.
  4. One last thing: Many purveyors of identity theft protection advertise their services to monitor for fraudulent transactions, or to place a freeze on your credit account to prevent any form of activity. Activating a credit freeze is definitely a good idea. If you’re offered free identity theft monitoring as part of the settlement from a data breach, there’s no harm in signing up. However, Malwarebytes advises against purchasing identity theft protection.

“Many purveyors of identity theft protection advertise their services to monitor for fraudulent transactions…”

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